Bose 901 series VI & Yamaha A-S2000

I'm a jazz mania who is interested in purchasing new audio system in a couple of months.

Currently, I'm considering Bose 901 (series VI) speakers & Yamaha A-S2000 integrated amp but not sure if the Yamaha amp will be a good match for the Bose speakers.
Also, I heard that Creek 5350SE will be a good one.
Can anyone recommend any good integrated amp (under $2,000) that can match well with the Bose speakers?

Or I would be glad if anyone can recommend good system (amp + speakers) for listening to jazz. My budget is limited to $3,500. Since I use my PC & a DAC (NuForce uDAC-2) to play 24/96 FLAC files, I don't think I need to buy a CD player for now. (I might need to buy a better DAC though.)

Thanks in advance.
The Yamaha A-S2000 is a great choice 4 an amp. I like it so much, I've
added the CD-S2000. I also enjoy it fronted by a Modwright Transpoter,
The S2000 can biamp many affordable spkrs. A wise man in audio
once said, "I'd rather pick another man's wife, than his speakers 4 him."
Implying it's a deeply personal choice. Don't let the 'talking heads' dissuade you. Buy what you like & can afford, then enjoy your tunes...
I've decided to hold out for the Bose 902. It is rumored to have power grills and dual exhaust.
Henryjudy , I have some of the Latest 901's and a Yamaha a-s2000 amp and yes they are a GOOD match BUT these 901's sound their very best with Tube gear.

I AGREE BUT the Yamaha a-s2000 is a solid-state amp so how did I get the Yamaha a-s2000 to sound like a tube amp ??

Would you believe me if I told you it was a FUSE I replaced with a Audio Magic Nano-Liquid fuse.

It's true ! These audio magic fuses are a DREAM COME TRUE for all solid-state gear owners out there !!

It takes these fuses about 14 days..24/7 to hear their full potential .
I saw this on the web, somebody who claimed they did some art work for the next gen 901.

In Bose defense, many of us here got our first taste of music on Bose,and then we moved onto better equipment. Some of Bose latest products have gotten better in sound quality. Bose uses Quads stats for some of their reference in R&D work. And alot of Bose engineers are audiophiles....Keep in mind Bose in NOT an audiophile company, that is not their mission statement.
Thanks all for your valuable inputs.
As a newbie in the hi-fi world, I learn new things everyday. :)
I pretty much made up my mind to buy the Yamaha amp but still not sure which speakers to choose. I guess it would be better for me to buy a pair of used speakers that would match well with the A-S2000 amp. Can anyone recommend any good ones under $1,000?