There is little change for some products as I showed. For others there is a lot.
It appears to me to come down to this.
The reason is the filter isn't the only variable- class D amps vary quite a lot; some have zero feedback, others have feedback and don't include the filter in the loop, others have feedback and do include the filter, still others are self oscillating and those that do might have the most feedback. The amount of feedback is the key. Less than 35dB in any amp simply won't work.
We've measured no change in bandwidth of our prototypes and Beta units from 20Hz to 20KHz, with less than 1 degree of phase shift over that range, with the load from 2 ohms to 16 ohms. No change.
So depending on the amp we are both correct. I think what is bothering me here is you do not draw a distinction with how the amp is designed and that makes quite a bit of difference to the outcome!
Here is an example of what I'm talking about: FWIW the guy doing the measurements here isn't what I would call a 'fan-boy' :)