Martin Logan BalanceForce 210 vs JL audio E112

I'm looking to see if I change my BalanceForce 210 for a JL audio 112. It will be mostly use for movies, I don't really watch movies at loud volumes but I really do like the low tight frequencies and be able pressurize my listening area. I live in an apartment so I don't have much space. Any of you have the opportunity to listen to this two brands?  
Yes, JL audio is much better. Since you're in an apartment, your neighbors will want to choke you. You'll need to spend a lot on isolation platforms to avoid eviction. If you put 2 sets of 4 Nobsound springs, it might support the sub sufficiently. Isolation will clear up the upper bass and midrange for sure thus more detail.
If the JL can be calibrated to your room, it might be an option.  The Perfect Bass Kit (PBK) for the ML is essential.  Having the sub's output customized to your room is not optional, once you have heard it.
I have some JL e110's and have heard both. The e112 has an even higher output and I'm using with some vintage JBL which are loud. The e110 has about the same output as my older Sunfire 12" which I also love. ML didn't have the ultra deep base to 16 Hz. like the other two. What is your ML mated with?
My setup its a 5.1 with the ML motions 30's and the 15's. Also I have not done the PBK yet. Going to see order it and see how much its going to improve the response. 

Looking at the specs of the e110 and the e112 its 25 Hz and 22 Hz can they really go much lower?