How to identify a Celestion SL 700 SE?

In March of 1989, I purchased a pair of Celestion SL 700's from my local audio dealer. I thought they were just terrific, but all my audio pals disagreed - too polite, too refined. Plus, there were complaints about the crossover. It was a speaker that yearned for greatness, but didn't quite make the grade! Well, that chorus of complaints got to me, and I traded them in for ProAc speakers (if I remember correctly - I don't remember which ones.)

The Celestions or, rather, the memory of them have stayed with me all these years. About two years ago,in a fit of nostalgia, I purchased a pair, in very good condition, on eBay. I still think they are terrific speakers (someone once called them "the James Mason" of loudspeakers!) But I have since discovered that there was a Special Edition which came out in 1991, I believe. My question to anyone out there who loves Celestions is: how can you tell if a SL700 is the SE version or the orignal. These speakers have the following serial numbers: 704 354 and 704 359.

Thanks for your help.

Ed Boucher
Hi Ed,

I don't have an answer but I share your appreciation for Celestions. Had the 6 Si's and loved the craftsmanship and precise sound (tweeter was fantastic). Took a bit to drive them though.

I believe Celestion still produces product - how about contacting them?

Good luck, Randy
I always remember a demo that compared the SL6 (earlier Celsestion model) with an Acoustat 2+2 and they almost sounded identical!

This six foot tall speaker and mini monitor side by side.

Pretty impressive...