It must be said for actives, the main objective will always be linear phase and reduced distortion-not just the "all-in-one" package solution. Actives are not a speaker "rack system" that creates the illusion of a better solution by reducing choices.
Active reduces losses and errors in the system. A proper active set up images better and resolves details better than a passive one with the same exact amps and drivers. I demo this at nearly every hi fi show.
The effects of copper well discussed within the cable arguments that never end. It always strikes me why this does not seem to transfer over to the gigantic chunk of copper you know nothing about and cannot change sitting between amp and driver and how it affects the amp/driver sound. We argue about the speaker wire hung on the back end of the passive crossover, but the crossover itself has such massive coils of copper passing audio! We wouldn't consider such a thing if we could see it, I'm convinced. Processing after the amplifier at speaker level will seem so "did we really do that?" one day.
Active reduces losses and errors in the system. A proper active set up images better and resolves details better than a passive one with the same exact amps and drivers. I demo this at nearly every hi fi show.
The effects of copper well discussed within the cable arguments that never end. It always strikes me why this does not seem to transfer over to the gigantic chunk of copper you know nothing about and cannot change sitting between amp and driver and how it affects the amp/driver sound. We argue about the speaker wire hung on the back end of the passive crossover, but the crossover itself has such massive coils of copper passing audio! We wouldn't consider such a thing if we could see it, I'm convinced. Processing after the amplifier at speaker level will seem so "did we really do that?" one day.