Furutech AC Receptacles

Do the Furutech GTX-D R/G AC receptacles require installation with Furutech wall plates and covers?
I agree that the long wait is ridiculous, but many people are willing to do that. I, on the other hand, put the outlets on my Audiodharm Cable Cooker and forgot about the (purposely) for 30 days. Installed them into my wall outlets and they sounded constantly good.
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My take on the GTX Rhodium and GTX gold. I had both installed at the same time, burned them in with an Air conditioner, ran for 2  weeks straight under pretty much a full load (had them daisy chained and alternated both outlets. I made the mistake of using them directly out of the box in my music system, they sounded great for the 1st couple of hours, and then sound  went very treble focused to the point that I could not listen to music comfortably, if at all. 
After doing some extensive listening, I found Gold to be vey natural, with great tonality, a deep unexaggerated soundstage that  was calmer than the Rhodium. 
The Rhodium outlet sounded etched,  with a cooler tonality,  with near zero mid bass bloom, and a stage that  was placed further away than the Gold. My main speakers are  a pair of Magnepans running off monoblock amps. No tubes or anything else in the chain....
The Gold  won out for me quite easily, the Rhodium  was packed up and sent back to the vendor. 
Anyone claiming that outlets don't make a difference in sound, has obviously never listened to anything more than a 50 cent home depot one. 
The people screaming the loudest, are usually the laziest ones, harassing others that actually do the  work.