SAEC WE 506/30 incoming. Anybody here with any experience with this arm?

I simply couldn`t let this arm pass me by, it is simply gorgeous. Has anybody here tried it out? 
I have read a bit about its weird geometry, but I have tried out a SAEC WE 308 L 10.5" and it sounded quite good as long as the overhang was right. 
So...Can anybody here direct me to any reviews og contribute with any personal experiences?
I seem to remember that most older Japanese arms are happier with Stevenson. 
As I wrote, I have already tried out a SAEC 308 L, and I was unable to hear any distortion as long as the overhang was correct. 
I have several low compliance cartridges, and was planning to use the arm for those.

tkr, I cannot elaborate, because it seems to me that one or more of the SAEC tonearms is built for their own unique geometry.  Some alignment mavens don't like them at all for that reason.  Otherwise, your tonearm may be built for Stevenson alignment, which has its own group of detractors.  Me, I go for whatever works. I personally prefer to use the alignment for which the tonearm was designed, so as to avoid having to twist the cartridge in the headshell.  Otherwise, with twisting, you can achieve most any of the common alignment algorithms, I think. You might find an informative thread here or on Vinyl Asylum or Vinyl Engine.
Thank you. I have tried both VinylEngine and Vinyl Asylum without much luck.
I will try it out with SAEC`s own geometry first and take it from there.
Raul knows a lot about SAEC tonearms.  Maybe he will chime in. Or search posts by Raul on SAEC.