MM Micro one comparison.

Hi All ,Has anyone had the pleasure of hearing both the MM Micro one,and Vivid Audio`s V1.5 ?
Regardless of price which is the more musical ?
Listen mainly to Jazz.
Tawa , go into the forum column and type in Vivid, there are about 5 threads on the Vivid speakers. There are a few members who own the 1.5's. I would send them all personal emails to see if they would share their impressions.
From the threads that I have read, they seem to be compared to world class speakers.
IMO ,Having heard the 1.5 as well as the G1s..Vivid is world class and will compete or better anything out there.
I have heard the micro ones in Kevin malmgrens listening room and they were very impressive. They filled the large room ver well for such a small speaker and disappeared as far as imaging. Very dynamic and fast. I would purchase a pair but for the uncertain delivery date