Magico compared to Tannoy

Trying to leave aside partisanship, how would you describe the approach to sound reproduction and sound character (not quality, though it may be hard to avoid)? I understand they are polar opposites but I’m curious how you’d describe.   
 Not to mention that if Mac amps are so hot why are you so chasing down a pair of JC 1+'s?
Simple, my old Watt/Puppies have an efficiency of 93 dB, the S7s are rated at 89 dB. Just trying to get some headroom back. The JC1+'s appear to give the most bang for the buck. I'm afraid a pair of Boulder 3050s is a bit out of my league :)
@gammaman I didn't buy the Oppo 205 because they do not have the HDCD chip.  Only the 105/103 and previous do.  Surprised that you didn't know that.  Anyway-- not sure if it makes a difference.  Have you auditioned the difference between a HDCD player and a non-HDCD player?  I'm thinking that the weakest part of my setup is the Oppo-- so thinking about upgrading to an Esoteric, the K-05xd and K-07xd are going to be released later this year.  Either that or buy the new Berkeley Audio Alpha 3, which does have the HDCH decoding but I think for some crazy reason they upped the price from 5K on the Alpha 2 to 10K for the Alpha 3.  So probably one of the Esoterics.  
Tannoys need to be heard in large well constructed cabinets. The cheap Lancaster cabs are useless. A Tannoy corner horn is unforgettable.

Tannoy = music
Magico = hifi (I have only heard the model 3)
@fred60, somehow the lack of HDCD on the 205 escaped me. I do have, though, a 105 that I'm using in my workout room, so I'll A/B them 
To quote a friend that has a high end store...
Tannoy is usually the last pair of speakers we sell to a customer
But I have listened to both speaker brands and both are very fine speakers, but there is definitely something about the Tannoy when voices are played through them. And they reproduce double bass exceptionally well

I guess if you are more into the jazz genre you might prefer the Tannoy,

But if you are thirsty for details and dynamics, the Magico might be a better option.

But all of this depends greatly on the rest of your components and cables.

Either one is a very good choice.

But my personal favorite is the Avantgarde line of speakers - very detailed and very musical - they seem to posses the best of the other two brands in one speaker

But that's just another opinion

Regards - Steve