Yonigta thank you - could you please describe a little bit more?
The more words you write, the better - you are the only one until now who has heard both speakers!
- "so i could escchar"
what did you mean? escchar, i dont know that word
- " but it is also true that the 5.4 "
did some words miss here?
"acute is more like the C1"
sorry what did you mean?
"very low"
you mean more bass-rich sound?
Thank you very much for your information!!!
Hope you can write some more.
The more words you write, the better - you are the only one until now who has heard both speakers!
- "so i could escchar"
what did you mean? escchar, i dont know that word
- " but it is also true that the 5.4 "
did some words miss here?
"acute is more like the C1"
sorry what did you mean?
"very low"
you mean more bass-rich sound?
Thank you very much for your information!!!
Hope you can write some more.