How Do You Pronounce Thiel?

Is it "Teel" or "Theel"?
Mitch is RIGHT ON - this is no different than "meat", "mete" and "meet" - they are all EXACTLY the same word phonetically (look it up)!!!
Thanks...been busy...I just posted (in November) a book that I wrote...on Amazon/Kindle.
Trying to sell some copies...hey, I'm a capitalist, lol.

As to, IS indeed Teel, or Teal, silent h.

Speaking of which..there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of my old friend Jim...a gentle soul, so smart he radiated unbelievable intelligence along with simultaneous, funny

So...thanks for the kind words...if you'd like to buy my book...$2.99 for a download's called, "In Plain Sight" L. R. Staples...and you do NOT need a Kindle to download it...there's a free PC App...I have it on my pc...I don't own a Kindle either.

I'll try to stay closer to the site guys..

Good listening,

Hifihvn, Actually, luckily for me, I've found several...but not the right one. Thought I had...but no.

Women are more frustrating than HI FI, if you can believe or understand that one.

Women are more frustrating than HI FI, if you can believe or understand that one.
Oh yes.