$800 vs $5k, hardly tell them apart when hooked up to a Class A high sens FR speaker.
Now why is this? How can a $800 tube amp perform almost if not identical whena trult non coloring high tech /fidelity speaker is in the room?
Old pros might be able to guess which is which ina blind test, Most audiophiles will have to lucky guess.
The answer is, due to the speaker voicing perfection , when testing is done at ow volume, Sure when you crank up each amp, then you will note one has the more bass slam and less distorion as gain goes higher.
There is not much to gain between a cayin el34 amp, at $800 and my Deft KT88 at 75 pounds, when vol gain is low.
The one will do the job almost as good as the other whena high quality FR/high sens speaker is in the circuit.
And at low voloume for small rooms, a SET is not required on a 97db speaker. Any PP will be just fine.
Now why is this? How can a $800 tube amp perform almost if not identical whena trult non coloring high tech /fidelity speaker is in the room?
Old pros might be able to guess which is which ina blind test, Most audiophiles will have to lucky guess.
The answer is, due to the speaker voicing perfection , when testing is done at ow volume, Sure when you crank up each amp, then you will note one has the more bass slam and less distorion as gain goes higher.
There is not much to gain between a cayin el34 amp, at $800 and my Deft KT88 at 75 pounds, when vol gain is low.
The one will do the job almost as good as the other whena high quality FR/high sens speaker is in the circuit.
And at low voloume for small rooms, a SET is not required on a 97db speaker. Any PP will be just fine.