phase linear 500 watt per chanell amp

any thoughts on this amp??
@roxy54, yes, i still have my mc602! one meter light went out but it's too heavy to take it to the shop to have a bulb replaced! LOL!
I love the D-500 amp, good amp, 1/2 the weight. Think it was designed by A.P. VanMeter who once worked for McIntosh. I know for a fact that the 300 series 2 was designed by AP. You should get your Mac serviced, pay someone to take it to a reputable shop. The Mac is better in my opinion!
The Phase Linear Dual-500 was the initial design of Bob Carver, finished up by A.P. Van Meter formerly of McIntosh and University after Bob had left the company to found Carver corp.

Ran Phase Linear 700's &300's back in the 80's for sound reinforcement and a few club disco installs - always wanted a Dual-500.  Found one on eBay about 10 years ago in need of some TLC, so I sent it over the Les at Fort Worth Audio for restoration.

It drives subwoofers, a pair of JBL MD-7's loaded with JBL 2245 18's in a 4-way quad amped vintage system.  Ashly NE4800 system controller - that part of the system is state of the art today.

Runs cool and doesn't break a sweat hammering my den, sound is very tight, lots of headroom.  When Les was finished with it, I picked it up and having pondered the need for a subwoofer amp with over $2K in seemed a bit excessive, so I decided to list it on eBay.  Had the boxes ready and sale information drafted up on eBay - hooked it up for a shake down test run.

After about 2 hours listening to it, I shut the system down and called Les, it was a Saturday afternoon and told him I had changed my mind and was keeping the amp - he just laughed and said he knew once I listened to it that I would keep it.

That amp will be in my estate sale.