How to connect C2500, MC501 and Two Subs

I read somewhere you could connect subs from the MC501’s RCA interconnects even though the amps XLR’s are being used to connect to the C2500 preamp? Is this possible? I’m trying to save money, assuming the subs will sound great next to each amp, by not paying for longer XLR or RCA cables. So is the above correct, or?
No, the RCA is an INput to the power amp. You can split the signal at the end of the XLR or RCA to the power amp. One to the power amp, and one to the input in the subs. You’re better off just using a pair of the 6 outputs on the C2500 preamp.

What cost are you talking about? 2 20-30.00 XLR pro cable?

I have No idea what you think you need for subs. A good XLR PRO cable is good for a LONG run too. If you want a pretty one that’s different..

Subs really aren’t to picky when it comes to signal source dollar cost. You would be HARD pressed to find anyone that know cabling, spending too much there..

Good cable with shielding, good terminal ends, good construction, and good armor..

LOL How much you spend on that Mac Gear? 40-60.00 for cables?

I'm a Mac guy.. 50 years next month.

Lol.. I here you! First and foremost i just wanted to understand how to hook the subs using my amp or preamp, so thank you for that... I’m thinking of getting the SVS SB-1000 Pro for just over $1000 including tax because they use unbalanced RCA’s, but maybe there’s better choices, i don’t know.. It’d sure be nice to get reference quality for less.. As far as cables, well, i thought keeping all things the same (Golden Ref) was the best option, but it may not matter. 
OP I have a great looking XLR cable source if you wait for 1-3 weeks

Ask the guy to make up the length. I had 2 cables of very like construction made, for a picky a$$ friend. 8 meters long (26 feet).

I use these on everything.. 29.-200. or so. DEAD quiet without active shielding, noise reduction is through the construction and the weave.

They keep the signal as it should be from the source. If that happens to be dynamic that is what comes out the other end... No hype... A true meat and potato cable.. I've found nothing better. Sound different YES, better NO.. Very good approach to cabling..

Under 200.00 per pair

I also had some 5 meter locking RCAs lose weave OCC/silver clad.
69.99 a pair..

These are very good cables and VERY pretty if you're into that too..
I use this in .5 and 1 meter with my Samra C20 and C11, Stunning...
C20 with Mc60s, 225, 240, 275 all pre 1965. Those cables.. Make a wonderful addition in the old copper grid Mac ICs and Speaker IC.

The XLR weave is a great speaker IC to..  OCC/silver clad PTFE weave.. OCC PTFE too

I have a McIntosh C2500 and a pair of JL Audio F113V2 subs and the "A" output on the preamp connects it to an MC452 power amp and the "B" output connects to the JL Audio subs.

In my case I use the XLR outputs in both cases, you could do the same using the single-ended (RCA) outputs.