Shanlilng CD players

I can't seem to find any postings on any shanling players. Does anyone have experience with the Shanling players, specifically the CDT100? It received some rave reviews and it's the coolest looking CD player under $2000 in my opinion. Just wondering how it sounds.

yup,i agree it is the coolest looking player ever i just wish i had liked the way it sounded,i wasnt real impressed with the sound & sold it fast.
I have a parts connection level 1 plus modded shandling cdt100 which sounds great to me, I bought this player with level 1 mods and sent it back for the plus mods, never heard it in stock form. I am intrieged with some of the new high end players but the look and sound of this player keeps me from straying.
I was wondering about the mods too. Does it really transform the Shanling to a new level? Aren't the Music Hall players(and the Onix's) also manufactured by Shanling? The Music Hall players are selling like hot cakes on Audiogon. Perhaps it's because of the price of the Music Hall but I can't imagine the Shanling sounds worse than any of the Music Halls. Any thoughts?
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