Stereo Times review on Audio Note UK DAC 3.1/II just went live

My review for the Stereo Times website just was posted tonight. As I explain I have had in the last three years over 12 DACs in for review, ranging in price from $1,000 to $45,000. Well, the Audio Note UK DAC3.1/II was so much more musical and analog in nature that I was somewhat taken aback by its performance in my system.

For all the details regarding this DACs performance and why I purchased it after the review take a look at the review piece. If you are looking for DAC at the present time, I highly recommend you consider auditioning one of the Audio Note DACs before you purchase your next digital front end.

Teajay (Terry London)
Being getting quite a few Emails regarding pricing and availability of the different Audio Note UK DACs here in the US. Well, I'm a reviewer and really can't answer those questions because I'm not in the position of being an importer or retailer. 

I would highly recommend you contact Mike Kay (Audio Archon) to seek the answers to these type of questions. As I mentioned in the review, I first heard the baby brother DAC to the 3.1/II Balanced DAC that lead to wanting to professionally reviewing it, at Audio Archon in a full Audio Note UK system.

One of my best friends who is a dedicated audiophile and music lover came over to hear the 3.1/II Balanced DAC in the big downstairs system this morning. He thought it was remarkably beautiful in its tonality but was really amazed at the spatial qualities (size of sound-stage, space between players, holographic imaging) rendered by the Audio Note UK DAC. He believes it’s the best DAC, by far, he has ever heard in my system, and he has listened to numerous ones as I have reviewed them.
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Hey tvad,

I agree with you regarding the individuals you mention, very good people, and great high-end dealers regarding their knowledge and how they treat the customers they work with to get where they want to in their systems.