What do $2500 speaker cables sound like?

Sooo curious about this.  I now use cables costing about $200 and 20 yrs old.

dont want to throw out brands, but its well known.

what can someone expect?

I’ve attended numerous audio expos, worked with my dealers, and demoed a variety of their cables in my home, And to me, there is no doubt of improvements through careful selection of cables that involved moving up to an expensive cables loom in MY system (emphasis added)

I stepped up to the “expensive price strata” cables too BUT ….AND ITS A BIG “BUT” …. Getting that system synergy is not about $$$$. As pointed out by @ghdprentice, big bucks alone is no assurance to audio nirvana.

Your Takeaways IMO:

(1) Capacitance, inductance, materials, connectors, screening, and shielding impact all cables including $$$$ cables, so there really are valid reasons for cables to have different sonic signatures.

(2) As previously mentioned by @nmmusicman, many less revealing systems simply lack the resolution capabilities and will not highlight the differences.

(3) Some people are born with better ears than others, so decide using your own.

Some validly point out the difference that “better” ($$$$) cables made to their systems. The audio forum fans are split in the cable wars about cable upgrades as a last link to audio performance upgrades.

A common voice is “Nah, it didn’t happen …you just wanted to hear an improvement and so you think it did…”

Just like how some want to hear a change, others already have their minds made up that cables make no difference. A key question is whether those people have arrived at that conclusion after thorough and careful audition bespoke comparisons. Expectation bias works both ways.

(4) The overwhelming intuitive advice is to try and demo the cables before buying. So if you experience the positive difference then go for it - Upgrading got me the added dynamics, ethereal airiness, elimination of sibilants / edge, added bass slam, presence and tonal character that was all a quality step-up for the better.

But If you try then and cannot hear that step-up, ….OR ….if you simply don’t feel that added drain on your wallet is worth it to you, then just don’t go there…full stop.

We are generally spared disagreement comparing a $10,000 amp to a $250 amp. But in that same extreme $$$$ comparison with audio cables, we predictably get contrasting opinions including hyperbole in heated argument BOTH WAYS when comparing a $10,000 SILTECH, CARDAS, MIT, TRANSPARENT, or NORDOST models to some 14-gauge generic cable. CANUCKAUDIOMART now warns that waging cable war forum posts will be culled and repeat occurrences will get you suspended.

It's pretty simple. Some people like to talk about how there is NO difference in cables and then there are those know there is. I been building cables for heavy equipment and powerplants, drilling equipment you name it I built it for over 50 years.

I learned a few tricks that would never be seen in stereo use.

BUT this is the stereo world, not NASA. There is ZERO in the stereo world that get to the level of tech in the track roller system on the crawler that drags orbital project to burn sites at the Cape.. People act like this is HIGH TECH... It's high dollar, NOT HIGH tech!!!

Again ZERO that makes the world go around.. JUST FUN...

The quality and TYPE of cabling along with quality control when assembling makes all the difference in the world.

The stereo hype is just that hype. It's on both sides of the isle. 

Are there 2.5k cables? Are there 20k cables, 20K amps? 40K amps
10K DACs?

Not for me. They only cost that much if someone pays for it, NOT UNTIL.

Do I think it's ok? Oh heck yea.. I've seen some true ART when some folks build a Turntable, certain Point to Point valve amps. There are some true pieces of stereo art.. Cables, gear racks,

Speaker projects. I've been on a few 20K cabinet jobs, netted 100k planar speaker systems.. Labor, exotic material and machinery are expensive.

@jumia - you asked...
what can someone expect?
The very best cables (i.e. IC, Speaker and power) will provide
  • very fast dynamics (or SLAM, PRAT)
  • improved clarity and details
  • deeper and more textured bass
  • huge image with improved artist separation and focus (more air)
  • The "overall image" will exceed the dimensions of your listening space
  • Improved venue acoustics give the illusion of height and scale
  • a more realistic presentation overall
  • The speakers will "disappear" and transport you into the venue
  • Live recordings will sound just like a live performance

All cables in your system (i.e. IC;s and power cables) must also be of a similar quality otherwise you will not achieve the maximum benefit.

Components play a role also, but many of todays components offer exceptional performance - it’s the cables holding them back.

Regards - Steve

Save yourself one half of the $2500 price point and audition Silversmith Fidelium Speaker Cables. 30 day return privilege.
Read all the reviews on the Silversmith Website (and on this forum).
You won't be sorry!!!