Magnepan LRS- what amp should i consider? (sub $2,000)

Howdy!   Help !
I'm not very current on high end equipment these days- I bought my Vandersteen 2CE's about 20 years ago, and haven't been tracking the market since.   

But, since I'm going to "test drive" a pair Magnepan's LRS soon - I need to lasso a more powerful and detailed amp (my Adcom 50 wpc thang is not gonna cut it).  I could go new or used. I listen to a lot of Jazz and G  Dead, and often play things loud.  The room is 11 x 21, and has some useful sound absorbing panels behind the listening "station".

I'd really appreciate any thoughts on a suitable power amp or integrated amp - at a somewhat reasonable price. And- given the rest of my qwipment (noted below) should I invest in some cables & interconnects too?

My (fairly humble, but exciting) system:
Harmon Kardon T60 TT w/a Audio Technica VM 540 ML stylus-  running thru a Nakamichi 610 preamp.  I'm streaming my >8,000 song iTunes library from an Apple TV box into a Cambridge Audio DAC 100. Also have a HSU sub hooked in too. I don't own any fancy cables or interconnects.

I currently feed my LRS's with a Parasound Hint Integrated. As mentioned above, a sweet combo. It has plenty of current, John Curl design and is a virtual Swiss Army knife of an amp. I decided to consolidate gear awhile back using the Halo INT as the centerpiece and have't been disappointed. A solid DAC, Bass control (I run 2 Speedwoofer subs) and phono section makes this a quality one stop shop.
I also had a very good experience with a Wyred STA-500 I think it was. Class D but sounded quite good and plenty of juice...
That is a speaker that requires a amp stable to under 4 ohms 
to get proper control ,not much out there any good at $2k 
maybe parasol do, or the Anthem bipolar amp 250 wpc is solid 
safe and sound audio has these and gives good deals .
Personally I would not buy the Maggie I owned several 
the parts quality is Horrible ,just look at the connectors Pathetic 
still holes and fuses ,the worst possible connections 
the Xovevpure cabbage 50;cent crap resistors capacitors on same level and the frame flexes like a sale ,save your money .unless you want to completely rebuilt it correctly ,you would think in 20 year they would ,Nope mThe panel is power hungry , Elac has several 
Jones designed speakers that are excellent products ,
even SVS , in this day and age ,nit even a normal connector on a speaker simply pathetic, and if you use spades Too Bad buy a cheap adapter ,to plug into a nickel steel connection full of resistance and noise, and who in their right mind want to add more distortion with a fuse to the signal path ? Not Me ,I learned the hard way .
Parasound A23+. Well within your price range new, so you get a warranty. Parasound owns the not expensive lower price range on quality high current amps for Maggie’s. It is the power end of a Hint integrated, and if you need a good pre / DAC to go with your setup, a used Hint is the easy choice for all three. 
I have a local Magnepan dealer and this is what they carry to compliment the lower mid end for Maggie’s. Yamaha is the base unit they sell.