I would like to see Roon Labs make arrangements to included the lossless streams from Amazon, Apple and Spotify in Roon. Roon Labs please make that happen! Thanks. 
Any service that incorporates the technology to deliver a better product is great news. Now if we could only get the internet providers to up their game to keep up. In the US we are still 5 years behind the rest of the world on delivery. That is the way the US works. Offer consumers an outdated product, market the product as the latest and greatest, then grossly overcharge for it, so they can pay their government extortion bills. Welcome to the USA! 
Issue is not Roon, it is Apple, Amazon, Spotify, etc. They don't have an open API that allows Roon to work.  Spotify has Spotify connect, Amazon has selectively worked with a few large partners, no idea about Apple.
Issue is not Roon, it is Apple, Amazon, Spotify, etc. They don't have an open API that allows Roon to work. Spotify has Spotify connect, Amazon has selectively worked with a few large partners, no idea about Apple.

Who has Amazon partnered with? One of (if not the primary) reasons I will not use the service is there is nothing out there that is capable (other than one of the Amazon "toys") to run their music remotely. Given the consumer bias Amazon promotes, I dont think we'll see the like of Lumin, et.al. with an app to control the service etc.
Lossless is not possible. Close if masters were digital, but analog masters, NO way. Just my opinion...