Magnepan 1.7's best sub match??

Ok, I know there are threads out there that probably addressed this, but now that the 1.7's have been out for awhile, I'm sure there are many more opinions out there?? Has anyone found a reasonably price sub that plays nice with the 1.7's??

Room is 20x20x12.

Thoughts & opinions appreciated!
Hi Audioconnection,

Thanks, if you know where I can find one, let me know.
I looked on the Gon, but not sure which one (version)
to look for?? I assume the 2WQ is the latest? Or am I good
with any version?

Well yes, I just bought the mono's and did not have two
matching PC's (that were not stock) yet. Now I do, and it made everything from
top to bottom much much better.