Well, user error isn't over just yet *sigh*

Trust me, if I could enter profanity directed solely at myself, I would. It seems the sloppy, lazy, stupid error I made a couple of weeks ago didn't just fry my ST-202+ amplifier. It also appears to have fried my 2015 Sunfire SDS-12 subwoofer as well ( see previous forum threads about that ). No matter how I hook it up even WITHOUT hooking it up, there is an enormous HUM coming from it so I'm assuming a short in there somewhere.

Now, I need a new subwoofer to temporarily or permanently replace mine. The SDS-12 is discontinued so it will be risky or impossible finding a new, factory spec model. At the time I posed my original question about what subwoofer I should get to replace my rather lousy Klipsch, EVERYONE on here said go with the REL T9. I believe them, for sure I do. But at that time ( 2015 ) it was 3 times the cost of the SDS-12.

So, 6 years later, what's the best subwoofer out there I can get for something in the $600-$700 range? All answers welcome, even trolls 😉 Thanks!
In subs, you get what you pay for. I like REL and JL audio. Hsu is OK if you like the boom. The ONLY Sunfire subs that are worth anything are the XTEQ 12. Hum was a big problem with Sunfire, you have to use the high level inputs to avoid the hum.
Correct, the humming sound is gone but I can always look at subwoofers and other esoteric items.

My REAL problem is trying to fix something 20 minutes after I get up instead of waiting until after lunch.

LOLOL...I see there is no Klipsch love here. I confess it's been a true drag watching previous outstanding gear get their brand names sold off and turned into junk.

I've been at this since I was 16 when I bought my NAD 7020 receiver in 1981. I still have it and it still works but I am sure it could use a good refurb.
Fiesta, fortunately for me, there was no hum in mine until I goofed up. Once I saw what I did, it was fixed in 15 minutes. No more hum. Plus I got a deal on mine. The dealer needed to clear floor space so I got it for $400 instead of the usual $600.
Sounds like a good deal. I do like Klipsch horns a lot. High efficiency speakers, horns, for audio are my preference. Wait until you're a little older, I need to do all my close/small soldering tasks in the morning while my eyes are still fresh. What a drag!