New Zirconia Pipe Cantilever .. What's up with that ?

Reading Namiki website i discovered new type of cantilever available today:

Zirconia cantilever (Pipe) , well this is the only pipe cantilever (except for aluminum) available today to my knowledge, correct me if i’m wrong. This is something new.

"Because the material’s relative density is comparatively high at 6.0, we make full use of our technology to process it into a pipe shape. This cantilever plays a charming sound that is different from other materials."

Physical properties for currently available cantilevers described here.

**Any new cartridges with Zirconia Pipe cantilever available on the market ?

BTW: Browsing Namiki website, to my surprise, on top of the page i recognized that "unique cantilever" of my ex ZYX Premium 4D cartridge. In many of my posts i have mentioned this construction as something special, because the MR diamond is press-fit and the cantilever described by ZYX as Boron. Now i think that joint pipe for stylus tip (press-fit) was made of Zirconia and the rest is Boron Rod.

Since they are both hollow PIPES (black color) i assume they are Zirconia (no other black pipes from namiki).
This is what Nakatsuka-San using in Airy III and Premium 4D ZYX models (owned both models).


1. Weak magnets.

Samarium Cobalt in MM or Allnico magnets in MC are great.

2 .Low-quality enamel wire.

LC-OFC or PC-OCC wires are great.

3. The generator core is made of nail wire or plastic.

There are coreless design like FR-7Fz for example.

4. Cheap aluminum cantilever with sharpening Spherical, Cone, Ellipse.

Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Beryllium, Boron and even Ceramic cantilevers ... are widely used in the 70s -80s. Aluminum is the easiest to work with and preferable by many designers like Takeda, Ikeda in the past and Reto Adreoli in present time. Those are special treated aluminum, not like conventional aluminum cantilever in some cheap modern MM carts.

Regarding advanced profiles I want to remind you when Shibata was invented and widely used in many cartridges. Also VdH, F.Gyger, MicroRidge, MicroLine, FineLine, Parabolic, Stereohedron and related profiles are ALL from the 20th century and very popular in the 70s, 80s, 90s and today.

I do not use cartridges with conical tip at all ! I don’t like them.

5.The body is plastic,wooden.

Normally it’s metal, not plastic! Sometimes metal with ceramic or even sapphire base. What’s wrong with hardwood like african wood? Wood is excellent material for cartridge body (if you know how to work with wood, they know in Japan). Some modern mega expensive cartridges like ZYX by Nakatsuka-San are plastic (but it’s new, not old cartridges).

6. All parts are glued together.

What is glued together today is Stylus tip and Cantilever, but old method is press-fit (even for Boron). Also it was an old SONY cartridge designed with unique diamond/stylus combo made from one piece of diamond. This is an old technology, not new.
It’s a shame that some of the more experienced(most $)
are the biggest d*cks here.
also, post count does not = experience.
Have you thought of the reason why someone with a small amount of posts could be more experienced than others?
because some attitudes deter people from joining this forum. This place is so full of elitist know it alls it can be disgusting.

I’m happy to read valid comments from more experiensed posters, I just not gonna “buy” a theory that more expensive or new product is always better, I’m not gonna buy a $6000 cartridge or $10000 tonearm (never in my life). My own experience with cartridges, tonearms, turntables is not about overpriced modern gear made for ultra high-end elite club of rich people, I’m not gonna buy a ticket to this club. 

Now let’s get back to discussion about cantilevers, some posts are completely off topic.
I have visited this forum on Numerous occasions before I chose to join in.
When I was not a Member or Contributing, IMV I was a very experienced user of this Forum and a Long Term Experienced user of a HiFi System.

I chose to Join the Forum and share with others some of my experiences where it seemed appropriate
If the attitude by the established members, is to 'Shoot a Person Down' who has few posts and is not conforming to a common form of reporting.
Then I can see why I was maybe a Lurker for such a long time before getting ballsy enough to accept Flack. 

Dedicated HiFi Enthusiasm is on its knees as a Hobby for Enthusiasts.
The Types that have remained steadfast to the Hobby are gettinf rarer.

Creating a environment within a Forum where a New Member or New to the Hobby feel very comfortable will surely create a Extended Life and Attraction for any Forum.