Preamp advice needed

Hello everyone!

I'm trying to find a pre-amp to pair with an ARC REF 75 SE amp (XLR interconnects). I'm currently using an SP-17 preamp with an on board phono stage paired with an ARC D-115 MKII amp (RCA interconnects) and am considering an upgrade. 

The on board phono stage is very appealing and I thought an ARC SP-20 preamp would be a nice match. However, I don't see those coming up for sale very often so I'm looking for other preamp options. Does anyone have ideas for a tube preamp with on board phono and XLR interconnects?

Thank you for your time!

Am interesting option is the KR P135. It is a 45 based preamp and throws a huge soundstage and has an optional preamp. See the review at Positive Feedback.  

I am trying to decide what preamp to bring in for AXPONA this year and this is one of the options .
@verdantaudio, that is a very interesting option! Nice review also. Thanks very much!