Is D for Dry? Class D...

Class D sounds dry and lifeless... thats all, carry on
Popular Electronics had a build-it feature and plans for a class D amp back in the Nineties. I no longer have that issue. Anybody have a copy?
Surely a company like Crown with their engineering team can produce a high-quality class D amp? XLS-1502? I'd like to buy one and try it out! $449!
I posted back at the beginning of February asking about higher powered options to replace my SET amp (JAS Array 2.1), inquiring about Class D in particular.  There were some interesting options, most prohibitively expensive.  I eventually settled on trying the Red Dragon S500 based mostly on a couple glowing reviews.  My only experience with Class D had been abysmal disappointment with the Wyred4Sound ST500 several yrs ago, rolled off on the top, missing inner detail and although a dynamics bass region, one lacking in texture and definition.  

I hadn't been using the JAS recently as I had it packed up due to a couple of moves in a short time.  Instead I had a few decent solid state amps in service including a Cambridge Audio 840W, a pair of Xindak XA8800NME (which are really quite nice), and an Audio Zone AMP1 (gainclone).  I settled on the Audiozone for its better resolution, more precise imaging, and transparency.  All are pretty good amps though and would kill the Wyred without a doubt. 

Anyway, I purchased an unused Red Dragon S500 and installed it in place of the AMP1 (so, without any burn-in) and was instantly relieved to hear even more detail (quite a bit more) but in a natural, organic way.  There was no sharpness to the sound.  It was reminiscent of installing a good power conditioner.  The background was blacker and the images were more dimensional, more palpable.  There are reviews of the Audiozone AMP1 which give a good record of how nice this amp is but the Red Dragon bettered it in everyway important to me.   Dry and lifeless?    No way!   All that natural detail engages me almost as much as the SET amp had.  No, the tube amp takes the edge in palpability with a wetter soundstage.  But I like the Red Dragon better.  It's MUCH easier to live with.   I'm not saying Class D is special in itself.  There are plenty of lousy Class D amps.  But, the Red Dragon S500 is a real keeper.  Just don't dumb it down with inferior components or cables.