@optimize mentioned some good points as have some others. To address your question: the sound will definitely be better with a sub or two or more. Even if you have a speaker that can truly reach down to 20Hz the position of your speakers will dictate how the room nodes develop. If you move the speakers to a position where the bass is good it is extremely unlikely that you will be happy with the mids and tops!
A speaker that produces from 40Hz and upwards with 3 subs optimally positioned will easily outperform the necessarily huge and expensive full range speakers.
You can also rest assured that all domestic rooms will need some acoustic treatment which is another issue.
Along with some good advice I see the inevitable recommendation to add tone controls or room EQ. which will not sort out the unavoidable peaks and nulls. A 40Hz tone has a wavelength of about 28ft which when bouncing around will combine constructively (peaks) and destructively (nulls), using room correction the peaks can be attenuated so they are less offensive at the listening position but when you move around you get to hear all the peaks that remain. With nulls, which is musical information that is missing, understand that no device can manufacture that info, it's gone AWOL. Trying to pump lots of power into that frequency will just cancel with the same power. It's futile and if you drive the amp into clipping you stand a good chance of blowing your tweeters.
EQ can work once the Schroeder frequencies are taken care of which varies from room to room, about 300Hz average. How to take care of them? Add bass traps and multiple subs and as has been mentioned, get a mic.and free program off the net. If you go this route you will be utterly amazed and will have little desire for any EQ!