What is your favorite album cover?

I extremely love Rhythm Nation 1814 by Janet Jackson. Eschewing a friendly, fun image more conducive to '80s pop chart success, Janet Jackson adopted a militaristic tone for her instantly iconic black-and-white Rhythm Nation 1814 cover art.....That's why I like not only her song but also her soul in music. What about you? What is your favorite album cover?
Dark Side of the Moon came out when I was in college, and I didn't think that the cover was very original or interesting even then.
AEwarren beat me to it,  but Electric Ladyland with all the topless girls in the early release (I have one from back in the day) and Cheap Thrills with all R. Crumb artwork do it for me!!
The flip side of The Faces 'A Nod Is As Good As A Wink To A Blind Horse' and the front side isn't bad either.