djones514,034 posts05-23-2021 2:49pmFor some reason you want to know my system. I don't see the relevance but it's strictly digital. Lumin U1 mini streamer, 2 Genelec 7350 subwoofers and 2 Genelec 8351b monitors GLM calibration. Various room treatments. Pro mogami AES3 cables. This is now I've had more gear than worth mentioning, including vinyl and tubes. What I've learned is respect the measurements, engineering, source media and reputation of the manufacturers and they'll get you better sound than playing with worthless tweaks and lousy measuring speakers which is about 85% of your listening experience anyway along with the room.
You do realize those Genelecs are simply to sterile, clinical and lifeless to do you any good. You must replace your Mogami interconnects with something north of $20 grand to darken...blacken, if you will... the background palette, eliminate the noise floor to a bottomless quantum tunnel, and soften the edges of those godawful tweeters. Probably Quantum Tunneled power cables and fuses will add to your enjoyment from such a rudimentary, beginner, entry level system.😉😂