New Cary DMS 700

 I have the 600 and it is a great piece. 

The 700 looks to be on the next level. Ladder dac
Do you change the power cord? What power cord do you use? Lumin T2 or DMS 700, Finally I chose 700,  I have placed the order. Now I am finding the power cord. Do you have any suggestions? thank you!
Definitely upgrade the power cord. I have an Audience au24se MP on mine. You probably can upgrade for a couple of hundred. Check out the used section. A medium rating is fine. You do not need one designed for power amps. I threw a SR orange fuse in mine. Not sure it made a big difference but it didn’t hurt. The 700 stays on 24/7 so sure it’s broken in now and sounds pretty damn good. You made a good move. I know it cost you a few more bucks but the Cary will mate with much more equipment than the Lumin
Thanks Benzman!17 years ago I bought Audience aR6 power condition, expensive but I am very happy with the performance. I will try their power cord. Now I feel some accessories have to buy, EtherRegen, SOtM dcbl  Cat 7,and fuse. Good quality fuse improve SQ. This is my experience. My 700 will come next week, very excited !

@benzman. I’m only interested in Qobuz/Roon at this point and do not own a digital library. In your opinion is a used 600 where I should spend the cash vs a new 700. Did I understand that correctly? The market is optimal right now, maybe because of UI but I don’t ever plan to use their app. Thanks in advance for your insight.