Favorite cable brand.

Interested to hear opinions regarding brand favorites. My personal favorites, at the moment,  are Kimber and Goertz. Two very different sounds yet both quite enjoyable. What are your favorites?

I’ve been in the hobby since about 1985 and was in retail for 12 years. I’ve personally owned many of the usual suspects, and when in retail many companies would send us cables, hoping we would promote them. Also, trade-ins.

Nordost, to my ears, in a wide variety of systems, simply passed more information and editorialized the least.

Of course, I have not heard everything and I don’t dismiss anyone else’s different preference. But Nordost has proven itself to me and I subscribe to the "complete loom" approach; I have a smattering of Heimdall2, Frey2, Tyr2, and Valhalla2.
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I have an audition with Swisscable later this week.

Happy Listening!
Myself I have found the higher end of Audioquest to be very nice in my system. Their pss cables let the music come through without anything getting in the way.