Has anyone heard the Burwen Bobcat system

Claimed by a well respected recording engineer to make CD's sound as good as Lp's/Sacd. Is this another reality check ???
bummer no replies.

I, too, would love to hear if anyone has listened to this USB system.

Mark Levinson used to go on and on about the problems of digital sound in his Red Rose store, so it would be nice to think that he and Mr Burwen have invented a way to get computer based files to sound better than redbook CD, if not analoge and SACD.

Then again, the guy has been a relentless self promoter since the '70's long before he was pitching books on how to properly shag TV actresses who were nonetheless soon to divorce him.

Between that, and the head spinning profit margins of the Red Rose gear that reveal themselves as soon as you find the link to the Chinese manufacturer, I was a bit skeptical...

But if this is the next big thing, I want one.
6 months have passed since this inquiry was posted.

Owners of the Burwen Bobcat Suite; please chime in and share your epxerience.

According to a mutual friend, Mark Levinson is more than a little bit insane, but I would say this product has taken his schtick to a new level of audacity.

Not sure it ever really existed or found a market, so it may be tough to find consumer reviews.
Yes, I have at the NY Highend show last year. Levinson gave a 20 minute demonstration using his Red Rose speakers and electronics. Unfortunately, I walked away scratching my head as to what all the fuss was about. Actually, I thought Levinson was losing his hearing. What I heard sounded flat and uninvolving - sounded like I was listening to an iPod. His claim that this bettered SACD and LP was far from what I was hearing. Sorry, but I'll pass.