VZ, congrats on your great buy! *S* Always a thrill to have a 'pop' (...or, should I say, 'pot'...;)...) decision pan out well....
Ones' mind ( or anyones', for that matter) is infinitely more complex than one can wrap it around (pun intended).
Having a spouse that majored in neuroscience over 30 yrs. ago 'brought that home', Literally....*L*
I believe everyone to some degree at some time has made that sort of 'go/no go' call, out or under a substance of some sort. For most, it's just the typical electrochemical day to day slosh we haul around with and within us. Addition of a atypical addition can heighten certain responses; as well as dampen them.
The tip of your right 'pinky'.
Almost automatically, you looked....or thought about it, and felt it's existence. Or, you 'saw' the intent of what I typed, and damped it down.
Audio, by its' nature and the way 'umans evolved with hearing 'colors' our responses to it, esp. for us who seek a more 'intrinsic' experience from and by it. What goes on between our ears actually effects the entire organism both gross and subtle.
Your 'snap' call to 'go for it' wasn't as ill-advised as you might 'think' it was. ;) You stated previous study of the device, as well as passing interest. You were compelled to at least monitor the auction.
You 'saw' an opportunity.
Bingo!...and congrats...*G*
(I can imagine you sitting @ the keyboard with mouth open, eyes wide, and brain in a 'ground loop'....esp. when f'd up. *LOL*)
*G* How many of us have chosen a spouse or sigother in that fashion? ;)
Yeah, almost scary...*LOL* Happens daily, sober or not.
Enjoy (until you don't), J
Ones' mind ( or anyones', for that matter) is infinitely more complex than one can wrap it around (pun intended).
Having a spouse that majored in neuroscience over 30 yrs. ago 'brought that home', Literally....*L*
I believe everyone to some degree at some time has made that sort of 'go/no go' call, out or under a substance of some sort. For most, it's just the typical electrochemical day to day slosh we haul around with and within us. Addition of a atypical addition can heighten certain responses; as well as dampen them.
The tip of your right 'pinky'.
Almost automatically, you looked....or thought about it, and felt it's existence. Or, you 'saw' the intent of what I typed, and damped it down.
Audio, by its' nature and the way 'umans evolved with hearing 'colors' our responses to it, esp. for us who seek a more 'intrinsic' experience from and by it. What goes on between our ears actually effects the entire organism both gross and subtle.
Your 'snap' call to 'go for it' wasn't as ill-advised as you might 'think' it was. ;) You stated previous study of the device, as well as passing interest. You were compelled to at least monitor the auction.
You 'saw' an opportunity.
Bingo!...and congrats...*G*
(I can imagine you sitting @ the keyboard with mouth open, eyes wide, and brain in a 'ground loop'....esp. when f'd up. *LOL*)
*G* How many of us have chosen a spouse or sigother in that fashion? ;)
Yeah, almost scary...*LOL* Happens daily, sober or not.
Enjoy (until you don't), J