BUI - Guilty

OK, how many of us are guilty of buying under the influence?

My story:

I took last Friday off and was listening to some music after partaking of a newly legal substance.  I was thinking how my system would sound with a quality tube preamp.  Thinking turned to surfing, turned to an auction ending in a few minutes.  So with about 10 seconds left, I threw in a bid a bid as a lark and wound up winning at a super reasonable price.

Guilty, i'm now the proud owner of a preowned, recently serviced BAT VK-30SE.  Should be here by the weekend.

So what you in for?
@OP,  I hope you have some hours this holiday weekend to sit back with the BAT!  Enjoy!
I got in about 5 hours last night, I just couldn't stop listening and comparing.  I know the new tubes aren't even burned in yet, but what I heard last night was extremely promising.

This preamp has balls, something I would not normally attribute to a preamp.  Bass was deep, extremely tight, and fast.  That continued up through the entire spectrum.  Soundstage is much improved in depth, width, height, especially localization.  It's also dead quiet.  Pausing a digital source while listening at very high levels, the Maggie's were totally silent, even with my ear right up to the speakers.

Not at all what I expected from a tube preamp, in a very, very good way. I could not detect any deficiencies comparing it to my current preamp.

This is almost certainly a keeper, at least so far.  As an added bonus, the Harmony has definitions for all the remote functions for my hub and remote, and it even has a ht bypass function.
Yeah it's hard when you can't hear the equipment on your own.You need will power not to buy something ,someone told you it was good,with hearing it yourself. 
I think I'm going to get small before shopping for a new amp when I'm ready. It sure worked out great this time :).

Takes me back