Integrated Amp Choices

From numerous visits to audio stores in the BIG city 2 hours south of my place, and after listening to a couple of dozen speakers (up to $18,000) both passive and active. Our simple ears have narrowed it down to these 2 speakers (so far):
KEF R11s - and Triangle AustraleEZs - These 2 sound the best to both my wife, offer good value and both very close to each other in price.

Here are a few integrated amps (in around the $5K range) that I am considering and I was hoping the community can give their votes to which would compliment the speakers of choice (so far) the best?

On Sale Occasionally:

Onboard DAC is a big consideration too, so hoping for your further comments on DAC sections as well.

Prefer new or demo over used.


I also own an ARC VSi60 as well ass the Leben. Both highly recommended, but very different amps. The ARC is noticeably more powerful, and quite a beast in terms of grunt for its rated output. Typical ARC sound - incredibly accurate, very clear and open, almost solid state, but with a bit of added tube ‘bloom‘. Great all round performer.

The Leben compensates for its lower power with a greater degree of finesse, and sheer musicality (probably the best commercial amp I have heard in that respect). Can still rock it out with efficient speakers. Hope this helps.
pesky_wabbit - excellent, yes, thanks!

arcam88 - How do you like those passive ATC scm 40's?
I audition the same model in actives but didn't pay a lot of attention to them when I found I needed a pre-amp to run them, not to mention their almost twice the price of the passives. This (passive) is another speaker that is very difficult to hear around this neck of the woods. I see Music Direct carries them...

 Just my 2 cents,  hegel 390 or musical fidelity m8xi,  either one is a slam dunk.
stephenm789 and all others that recommend or use Hegel integrated amps, the H390 in particular. Do you use the onboard DACs in this units or do you use an external DAC of some sort and if so, why (either way)?
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