As there has been a suggestion that DIY Cable 'might' be a consideration, even though the quality of the Termination might not match a professional Quality.
To produce a solder joint can be practiced on any cheapo wire with a cheap Solder.
It won't take long before the handling of the materials and reactions of the materials to heat are understood.
At this stage a clean looking even coated joint is not far away.
The chosen materials can be put on the work bench and once done have a continuity test with a multimetre.
Once that the Bleep is continuous the cables are good to use as are,
or have a cosmetic finish used on the joint if wanted.
The Double Helix Thread on the Cables Section is sure to inspire.
To produce a solder joint can be practiced on any cheapo wire with a cheap Solder.
It won't take long before the handling of the materials and reactions of the materials to heat are understood.
At this stage a clean looking even coated joint is not far away.
The chosen materials can be put on the work bench and once done have a continuity test with a multimetre.
Once that the Bleep is continuous the cables are good to use as are,
or have a cosmetic finish used on the joint if wanted.
The Double Helix Thread on the Cables Section is sure to inspire.