Floorstanding speakers vs. Standmount speakers&sub

I`m just curious as to what your thoughts are on this topic. I know this has been debated before but I couldn`t find much out there on this. The reason I ask is I`m currently using PMC FB1i`s with an Esoteric AI-10 integrated amp and a Bryston BCD-1 cd player in a small to mid size room, 16x13x8 with an open staircase. The room is fully furnished and carpeted and the speakers must be place about a foot off the wall. I realize that standmounts will not go as low in the base extension but paired with a good sub could sound as good or better than some smaller floorstanding speakers. I`m looking for a wider soundstage /dispersion and a fuller sound . The bass and clarity is pretty good on the PMC`s. If you have any suggestions for good standmount & sub combos that may better the PMC FB1i`s or any other small floorstanders that may sound better with my situation please suggest some. I did demo Dynaudio Contour 1.4`s, they were nice sounding. Thanks in advance.
There is a pair of Wilson Sophias for sale here for $4,995. I bet you would be happy with them.
In general, I think it is easier to rely upon the manufacturer to dial in bass with their own well designed crossover rather than trying to get it just right on your own with a sub. Therefore I advocate the floorstander. BTW it is refreshing to hear some one say they like hard rock. Good Luck!
No affiliation with whomever it is selling the Wilsons.
Gallo 3.5s with optional bass amp? Could be done at your price point. Matching subs could be added if they still didn't go deep enough. Floorstanders small enough to be quite unobtrusive, though weird looking. Outrageous imaging and soundstaging; an impressive value. (Rereading this, I wonder why I don't own them!) Downside for you might be that they show their best attributes on good recordings, so some of that might be lost on a diet of hard rock recordings. Walter at Underwood handles them, and is a good guy to talk to.

One of my setups is an NHT Classic 3 with NHT 12" Classic Subs. One advantage to subs is that you can place them anywhere in the room, not necessarily where the best imaging is with the mids and highs. Also, I highly recommend using 2 subs, even if you have to go to 10" instead of 12". 2 subs makes for much smoother bass.

NHT also makes a Classic 4 tower speaker, which is the Classic 3 with a 10 side firing woofer built in. It takes up the same room as a Classic 3 with stands.

Either option works well and you can get the Classic 4 for $1000.00. Way below your budget, but then you can buy a great turntable or more vinyl