Tubes for Magnepan’s.

I think next up on my acquisition list is a tube amplifier. I'm not looking for the be all end all, cause I don’t think there is a definitive "Best", so am looking for as good as I can get for $3-4k.

Because tubes drive speakers so much more efficiently than solid state I am only looking for 40-50 watts to drive my modded Maggie’s, 1.7i's. (Or what you have when you add a new crossover and planer tweeters to 1.7i's.) Maybe 2.7x? I haven’t settled on that yet. And I have some Zu Dirty Weekend's upgraded to the max coming in in 2 months to replace my KEF's.

Anyway, I haven’t had a tube device since my Halicrafter short wave radio, and reviews are not the same as advice from people that own something. There is a Rouge Audio dealer in my area, last I looked, (opps, they no longer carry them), so I may have to go to another market to hear something, or get a try before you buy from a manufacturer or dealer.

You folks have taught me a lot, and I think asking users is the right thing to do on this change in direction.

Thanks in advance.
@jjss49  I am not sure where you are getting your information.

When I was a dealer in the 1970's-80's, Jim Winey and Bill Johnson had a marketing agreement and displayed, sold, and marketed their products in tandem.  You may wish to ask Diller (at Magnepan now, being run by Jim's son last I heard).  He was the marketing person at Audio Research in those days and was the one on the road demoing and pushing the two.

I sold lots of combo systems of these two brands, and have yet to hear a better combination.  Period.  (We also made some oak stands and 22" Hartley woofer cabs for the Mark Levinson HQD system, which was pretty sophisticated for the times. The HQD system was, to be kind, not good.)

FYI, Audio Research made the EC-21 tube crossover specifically set for Magneplaner Tympani I-C speakers, which is a setup I use to this day, albeit with some updated Audio Research gear.

Possibly you should check to see some earlier information regarding Magneplaners and tubes. 

I suggest that ANYONE looking for a "high-end" system have their dealer bring these companies' products to their rooms and give them a listen.  They may not like the results IN THEIR ROOM, but at least they will have heard a system that is as accurate as it gets before making a final purchase decision.


@jjss49 I am not sure where you are getting your information.

When I was a dealer in the 1970’s-80’s, Jim Winey and Bill Johnson had a marketing agreement and displayed, sold, and marketed their products in tandem.

i get my information from my own experiences, and when i share my opinions here that is the source

i have owned maggies and many arc tube amps over the years (currently own 6 of them, ranging from v70 vt60 vt100 and ref 75 and 110)

just because you sold maggies w arc as systems 40-50 years ago doesn’t mean they are a perfect combination

My world famous factory X-overs from Magnepan. Notice how the inductor is inline to ground, and so most of the mid and none of the treble came through in the beginning.

I posted the image on my FB page so you can see it for yourself. 

Wonder if this forum will ever support pics?
not to be argumentative here, let’s put this issue in perspective

maggies are a flat panel speaker, low impedance, resistive load (not highly reactive) - different models run big and small, they differ in how they need to be driven... in the bass frequencies they need significant current drive to move the panels, move air, develop even a modest sense of drive and ’slam’

no doubt up the frequency range, they are exceptionally pure, and not hard to drive - thus if not asked to play loud and develop a convincing bottom end, tubes can sound utterly wonderful

the critical issue here what is needed to get the bass drive and slam out of maggies (make the speaker move alot of air in a hurry) this is the key weakness of the maggies and needs to be dealt with ... so, typically very good systems with large maggies owned by tube amp lovers use serious upper end tube amps (pricey and run very hot, burns through tubes - think vt200’s or big vtls, that league of tube amp)

the issue here in this post is the OP posted he is ’getting into tube amps’ and has a budget of $3-4 grand... so given that, i say, stick with good solid state at that price level -- for example a $3000 hegel h190 or h360 will properly drive a set of m 1.7’s top to bottom much better than a $3000 tube amp imo -- at proper listening levels and with proper bass response

maybe a higher powered primaluna tube amp with 8 power tubes can be had used for $3000 (eg dialogue premium hp, for instance), but of course, that amp has tube-i-ness in spades but not the best resolution/transparency.... perhaps an older vt100-2 at 3 grand would be better top to bottom, but even with its 4 ohm taps, the bass response will not as solid, deep, controlled and taut as if driven by a hegel

my 2 cents