Denon 3910 or Denon DVP 3910

I am considering purchasing a Denon 3910 something(DVP?) and not too sure if this is the SACD version.My research hasn't proven that these are one in the same.My plans are to have it modified by APL.Can someone help? I have read so much about the APL modified Denon players but this has stumped me.I don't want to buy the wrong one to modify.Also,I have heard Denon has a checkered past with reliability.Have anyone experienced any problems with their Denon? Thanks in advance!

The two units you mention are the same thing. The full, correct model name is the DVD-3910, and it is a universal player.

The 3910 has not been on the market for terribly long, so it's a bit early in the model life to judge its reliability. I have been using my 3910 for about 9 months and it's worked fine.

Before you decide to send your 3910 off for a "mod", spend a month or two listening to it first. It's got excellent sound quality, and you may find that you'd prefer to spend your money on more SACD's, or to upgrade some other item in your system.

Although you didn't ask for an opinion on the subject of "mod's", I am of the school that believes that mods are not a particularly good investment. For the cost of an expensive mod plus the price of the equipment, I think you are usually better off to simply buy a much better piece of gear. For the cost of the basic 3910, plus one of the $1500-2000 mod's, you can instead buy the Denon 5910, or a comparable unit by Marantz, Sony, etc.
I on the other hand believe going with a "mod" is the best way to go. First and foremost is finding a reliable modder with a known rep. I'm waiting on delievery of my Emexexmplar 3910. Surely, superior to the 3910. Once you listen to the Exemplar you realize that you have moved way up to another level. Now, the good part is that should your modder develop some new upgrade? You can get them done for a very cost effective price. It will be much easier to stay in front of the digital eight ball. I had to sell my Prima. Audio Aero wouldn't talk it back to put in their latest and greatest transport, nor their new electronics. Had to sell on the 'gon and purchase something new. Hence, the Exemplar. Sure you could buy three 3910s for the same price. Just something to think about. I'd save your money and do some homework on the APL, Exmemplar, and Dan Wright. All these guys do 3910 mods, that leave the origninal in the dust.
My thoughts on getting a "mod" player is simply because the specialist audio manufacturers usually "upgrade" their players every so often anyhow to keep abreast of new technology.Wouldn't it be wise (my reason)not to invest in a "new" player every couple of years and buy a player that can be upgraded by a "mod house" to surpass what Denon,Sony,Marantz,Specialist audio manufacturers,etc. produce for even greater enhanced performance.I am looking for a happy medium for myself between price and sound.
Sdcampbell,thanks, for the tip on not sending it off right away.I can buy the unit for cheap and save my dollars for the upgrade.Your thoughts are well taken but I don't share the same opinion on audio being a investment.For me it's pleasure and relaxation.....a stress reliever.
I have also looked into the Cary 306SACD.This might be the ticket because I own over 2,000 discs and 99% are Redbook.So,I am considering a unit that will playback Redbook on another level and staying within my budjet.That's what I hear about the talk of "modded" players...improvements beyond some of what the specialist audio manufacturer produce! Read about a product called the NWO(modified Esoteric UX-1) or the AKM Dacs used by APL for example.I don't want to get into what mod house is better because I don't know.I respect all of them for what they are trying to accomplish for us.
Warrenh,I've given the "mod" player lots of thought.You are correct about "should your mod house develop some new upgrade you might get it at a more cost effective price" instead of purchasing a "new" player.I am still trying to get off this merry-go-round.Warrenh,let me know about your Exemplar what your impressions are. I would be mightly interested.
I appreciate your thoughts guys and Best wishes to all!

Chuckie, if this thread goes by the way side drop me an email in a few weeks and I'll let you know the scoop....peace, warren :)