Around 1995, I experimented with various mike preamps using a few SS condenser mikes. I made a 1 min recording of my violin part in the opening of the Mendelssohn violin concerto for each combination. I tried to standardize my playing of each take, although of course I can't be sure each take was identical in my playing. The famed B&K 4011 cardioid SS mike was flat in freq response, but it was smooth and rounded like tubes. I tried Shure, Schoeps, AKG small diaphragm cardioid mikes, but my favorite sound was the Neumann KM184 for its brilliance. I didn't even consider any tube mikes or tube mike preamps, because I had long outgrown my brief infatuation with romantic, euphonic tube sound. The industry standard mike preamp was the Millenia Media for accuracy. But the Bryston and John Hardy mike preamps were significantly more revealing.
Around 1995, I experimented with various mike preamps using a few SS condenser mikes. I made a 1 min recording of my violin part in the opening of the Mendelssohn violin concerto for each combination. I tried to standardize my playing of each take, although of course I can't be sure each take was identical in my playing. The famed B&K 4011 cardioid SS mike was flat in freq response, but it was smooth and rounded like tubes. I tried Shure, Schoeps, AKG small diaphragm cardioid mikes, but my favorite sound was the Neumann KM184 for its brilliance. I didn't even consider any tube mikes or tube mike preamps, because I had long outgrown my brief infatuation with romantic, euphonic tube sound. The industry standard mike preamp was the Millenia Media for accuracy. But the Bryston and John Hardy mike preamps were significantly more revealing.