Quality home theatre receiver with quality sound?

Friends Parasound amp from 70s is dying. She is a 70+ widow who listens to music  from cds or Music Direct 50% of time and has TV and movies on remaining time. She has Gallo 3.1 speakers and appreciates their quality sound. I need to order her a replacement  unit and figured a decent midfi AV receiver would do well for her needs at this point given her budget and demands. She is ok up to $1000. I have honestly paid little attention to this category. I was thinking Marantz as I have had success with their gear for similar prices in quality and sound. Looks like all the midfi guys are in this category, e.g.  Denon, Yamaha,  Onkyo, etc. Anyone have experience from which  they can recommend a unit or brand? She doesn't care about surround sound or multichannel or a subwoofer. Bluetooth  would be  nice as she runs an IPhone and IPad. 
There is nothing worse than an AVR. So if she doesn't care about surround why would you get her an AVR? Get her a stereo receiver. Spend a couple hundred, because it won't matter if you spend a grand nobody will ever know the diff. Get one that looks good, with a nice simple remote and big knobs. Practical stuff that will actually make a difference, as opposed to splitting hairs on sound quality no one will ever notice.
What kind of Parasound amp? A pre-amp/power amp set, an integrated amp, or a receiver? 

As MC already stated, a mid-fi AVR would be the worse choice. Typically mediocre sound quality, many unneeded features and overly complicated to operate.

Instead of a mid-fi AVR, a 2-channel receiver or an integrated amplifier would be a better choice.