Thou thinketh you protesteth too much. That means that you're insecure about your position. This is my last post on this subject so I'll just ask you some questions, rhetorical questions for you to contemplate.
What exactly makes someone like you an expert? What makes anyone an expert on sound if they're not an expert on acoustics or a musician? Ya know, Bill Evans (he was a great pianist), said that he respected an ordinary listeners opinion more than a professional musicians. I'll tell you what makes me an expert, I KNOW WHAT I LIKE.
Have you ever studied music?
What's your college degree in? I have two in music and have been playing since I was a child and my father could hang with anyone on piano.
Can you hear some music and write it down or sing it in tune? I can.
Do you know if a note is out of tune?
Isn't it just possible, just possible that a musician of over fifty years and an established instrument maker like myself has a more discerning ear than you?
Isn't it possible that someone who's played hundreds of instruments, maybe thousands, and traveled to Europe to pick his out and had it imported from Hamburg knows more than you're giving him credit for?
If all the gear is scrutinized before being reviewed like you said and it boils down to taste, than what good are reviews?
I think I've earned a right to my opinion thank you.