Can an integrated amp be used as a power amp

Hi all,
First post for me. I was considering setting up my Trafomatic Experience Two MK ll integrated  300B as a power amp by  connecting it  to the pre out of my Hegel H390. Is this doing?
I’m pretty sure what George said is correct... but I have to ask... why use one integrated amp as a power amp through another integrated power amp? Seems an odd goal? What are you trying to achieve?
HT bypass (when available) will allow an integrated amplifier to behave as a power amp, and the preamp (or HT receiver) will connect to one of the L/R inputs on the integrated amp.

I couldn't find the owner's manual for the OP's model on-line, so not sure if it has this option.

Some brands/models allow every input to be used for this feature, and some designate one particular input for this. For some brands/models, it is enabled with a switch on the back of the unit (Naim). Others may enable automatically on just one input, while others will allow any input to be set for HT bypass (software controlled on the amp).

@atorres53, do you see anything in the owner's manual regarding HT or Home Theater Bypass? I don't know how common this is for tube integrated amps.

OP is trying to use his Hegel H390 as a preamp?

Perhaps trying to access the DAC output of the Hegel, into the tube integrated? If so, are there other/better options to do so?

Some people use the HT bypass on an SS integrated to incorporate a tube preamp into their system, without having to replace an existing integrated amp. Or to evaluate the use of tubes.
Thank you all for such quick replies.

The Trafomatic does not have a HT input.

geof3- my Hegel H390 has a built in DAC, so I want to use the Hegel’s DAC.
Very familiar with the H390... you can configure each output to ht bypass. But still, doing that kind of complicates your setup, unless you are simply trying to evaluate the other amp. Practically speaking, it’s a waste of the Hegel.