i am looking to replace my Krell with tube amps,

however Cary, Canary said that none of their amps can power Hansen Emperor because of 87db sensitive.

Anyone have their experience care to recommend.

I am upgrading my Aesthetix Calypso to Callisto sgn. with 1PS.
my room is size is 30 x 25' x 9th height in my basement. but i am using only half the space that is 15' x 25' x9'.

i have not had a chance to listen demo on Aesthetix Atlas mono, Ayon orthos ii and vulcan, Tenor 175s.

I went from FPB 600s to ARC.
Depending on your budget, there is a wide variety to accommodate your needs and ARC tends to lean towards SS when it comes to bottom end control which is a real nice attribute.
I tried the VTL's as well and preferred the ARC based on the bigger model ARC I settled for. NO tubes will have that staggering control of what the Krells can provide but it was a compromise I was willing to take to fill the other avenues that the ARC provided. Good luck
Thanks for all your feedback,
Do any one have Ayon Orthos ii? Is much cheaper than Tenor for a demo set. Ayon Orthos ii is 250watts price about $18000 vs Tenor 175s probably around $33,000 demo. i am leaning towards Ayon. Will try one in Seattle store.
There are a pair of VTL sigfrieds for sale in Seattle on this site. Those would have plenty of power and sound fantastic. I have heard them powering a pair of Wilson Alexandia at a dealer some time ago and was very impressed. I'm not a fan of Wilsons but that combo was sweet.

I have no assosiation with the seller but suspect that it is the Dealer that I heard them at.
The VTL Sigfrieds are sweet if you have the dough. I'd have to second that option. Manley also puts out some pretty powerful tube amps that should be a bit cheaper.
Hi Mrmitch

I see you have experience with Joule Electra,
there is a sale in audiogon VZN220, what do think of this mono block amps.
Do anyone have this Joule amps, i read in audiogon some same is problematic,

i know tube amps burn out tube fast.
i have now Aesthetix Callisto Eclipse and is very good combination with Krell FPB600.
But the asking price of VNZ220 looks attractive but is almost 9 years old.
Any comment anyone?