Best dac under $1k

If you are looking for a absolute steal this Topping D 70S is loaded with the latest Xmos  processor 
dual Femto clocks , AKM dual 4497 latest MQA ,linear power supply, 8 power regulators and big Nichicon filtering capacitors, and many more top parts,Which sound very  natural and very much like a good R2R dac hard to believe ,but the video below is pretty spot on ,and doesnot even have the fuse upgrade. How they stuffed all this quality technology in here for $650 is a ? This is better then Toppings then top d90 MQA dac ,with dual 4497 dacs vs 1 this even has better specs.
use a decent power cord ,and usb cable that applies to Any dac,and to truly raise the bar 
buy the synergistic Orange fuse ,small, 500 Ma, slow blow and instal with writing Reading left to right facing down,- direction of current flow since the fuse  is sideways , this dac I like better and I have had a couple tube dac black ice, for sure better then Denafrips arias mk2 R2R very close to pontus-2  vs even dacs like Schiit Yggdrasil which I owned and sold to neutral for my taste ,this Topping is  more natural and not rolled off, it. Has filters 3 &4 lowest distortion over 20 khz ,filter 3 is standard, if your system needs a slight treble boost then filter 4 , buy the fuse same  time and instal  give it a minimum of 8-10 days ,just let play ,and no need to ever  turn off , and Apos audio order the faster shipping $13  I received it in 4 business days DHL express . Most parts inside are from Japan 
designed in China ,if this was U.S made $2k , I am shocked to say the least ,and this was just for a back up system ,but sounds Audiophile quality - Best Buy of the year !! P.s For $663 with express shipping 
45 day return, and 2 year warranty
Interesting, the Teac NT-505 that I bought a year or so ago has the same AKM chip in it and I enjoy it more than the Chord 2qute and Schitt Yggdrasil that came before it.

Seems like a great deal for the price!
Audiojedi if you checkout the link above it has much much more then the teac
and uses one AKM4497 per channel and a ton of other things including 
the latest 6 core Xmos 216 processor,dual Femto clocks , hard to believe so much technologies for $650, and sounds as you mention better then many dacs far more expensive.
My friend has the deluxe mod squad dac and he  already sold it after getting the Topping D70s after hearing my dac in his system 
and the Synergistic research 🍊 small 500 Ma ,slow blow  fuse upgrade a substantial addition in  depth as well as added realism. Yes $160 is a lot for a fuse  but look at the big picture just over $800 and  much more then in sonic performance and 
The IEC is installed side was fuse is sitting vertically 
install fuse with reading the writing SR left to right ,writing facing down . Going with the current flow to take the guess work out.of it.