Frustrated with the sound of my system

Here is my system:
Rotel RCD-965BX CD Player as transport
MSB Link 2 DAC
Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 Signature preamp
Classe 10 amplifier
North Creek Audio Borealis speakers (Custom built kit speaker...something close to a Proac Response 2.5 design)
M&K V-75 sub
Kimber and Cardas interconnects
Kimber 4TC/8TC bi-wire speaker cables.

Here is my frustration:
The sound, regardless of music, sounds stringent, hard, really lacks air, and is anything but relaxed. It is fatigueing. I can listen to my Grado 60 headphones on an iPod and the sound is frustratingly more relaxed and has what I would call air.

I don't think that my system is that outstanding, but it really seems like I should be more pleased with what I am hearing.

I would be interested in your thoughts on where the most likely opportunity is. I really like the individual components of the system (OK the Rotel/MSB set up is old and just OK), but all together they seem to be underwhelming. I am thinking it is either in improving the digital front end (new player or DAC) or moving to a planar speaker to get the sound I desire. I have thought about new player like an OPPO 93 or 95, perhaps a tube based player or DAC, or else looking at something like a used pair of Maggie 12's or 1.6's. I have always enjoyed the Maggie sound.

In either case I am thinking that $2k is the absolute max I would want to spend on any solution. Thanks in advance. If there are other questions I would be glad to supply details.
It took me many iterations, time and money to get the sound quality I was looking for from my system. I found one key issue is the mains wiring, and in particular power supply grounding i.e. are all components grounded or should only the preamp and/or amplifier be grounded. However do be careful in removing the earth connection to a component - first check the manual whether this is a potential safety risk.
The other issue may be the loudspeakers - in particular the tweeter. I don't know what drive units you using, but it took decent and pricey loudspeakers for me to get the combination of detail, air and smoothness I was looking for in the highs.

So my suggestion for debugging your problem is to borrow a recent released good modest CD player (e.g. Marantz or Cambridge Audio), a good integrated amplifier (ditto) and a decent loudspeaker (that is relatively easy to drive from modest integrated amplifier). Ideally you should hear these components perform in a different system to the level you expect. Then swap out these with your system one at a time until your find the problem.
I recommend an integrated amplifier because that limits the power supply connections. Also I recommend that CD player and amplifier are from the same company so that you minimise risk of incompatible power supply grounding.

If none of these solve the issue, then look at the mains quality and then the room acoustics.

BTW, I have previously successfully used Kimber 8TC - they are unlikely to be the cause of hard stringent sound.
You have quite a conglomeration of components and cables going on there. The fact that you are unhappy with the sound is a perfect example of buying recommended components without knowing how they will work together. This is why, when in doubt, it is better to stay with like brands of various components since they are designed to work together. Your SFL-1 is known to be on the forward/thin side and I have no idea how it mates with the Classe, but the Classe amps I have heard after the DR series sounded less then full bodied to me.

For starters I recommend trimming your system down to locate the problem. Take the subwoofer and DAC out of the system and just work with the basic system. Try a warmer tube in your preamp and experiment with different cables before changing components.

Without knowing a single thing about the room or how the system is set up in the room a recommendation for room treatment is absolutely rediculous.
Earrings on a monkey could look quite nice, I can imagine. But earrings on a, no good, better lipstick.
I think Rrog makes a good point to simplify your system.

Also, the only time I heard Classe I did not care for it, it really lacked micro dynamics compared with Rowland gear that we were comparing it to.