Which Phono Pre?

Current system:
Dr. Feickert Blackbird TT
Kuzma 4-Point tonearm
Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum cartridge

Phono pre’s under consideration:
Pass Labs XP-27
Modwright PH-150
Luxman EQ 500
Wheat Audio PS.40RDT

What do you think would be the best match? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
I’m curious how would you guys rate Pass Aleph Ono series and older Threshold SL-10 pre w/phono stage?
If the OP is open to another suggestion... 

The Wavestream Kinetics Deluxe Phonoamp.  

It is an all tube design currently using (2 x 12AX7, 4 x 6DJ8); with extremely low noise (I believe with the external power supply that the current Level 5 Reference now comes with) noise is below 1uV (one-millionth of a volt ); providing 3 front panel selectable inputs = two MC at 62 dB of gain (without the use of SUT’s or FETS) with a useful cartridge range of 0.2mV to 1.2mV and one MM output at 42dB (you are able to choose your MM gain or you can have 3 MC ); having both balanced and RCA inputs and outputs; adjustable loading available on the back panel via custom loading plugs; and an essentially flat RIAA EQ curve within one tenth of a dB (.1dB) from 3 Hz to 40 Khz. *** The above specs are from the best of my recollection - if you have interest, please consult with Scott Frankland to confirm. He is wonderful to communicate with. ***

Best wishes,
Nelson does great stuff.  The Modwright is also very, very good. Have heard the MW and heard lots of Pass stuff over the years, but not that unit. Plus every phono stage is really a reflection of the tt/cart setup :-)As to zero noise - nice goal, but what will you sacrifice (not in theory, in reality)?  get to like transformers!
the pass, luxman, or accuphase would be good choices as well as a parasound jc3+ for your setup if you have a dealer nearby you may want to try some others as well before you make a final choice.