How much reality do you really need?

The real question to the audiophile  is, “how much reality do you need” to enjoy your system? Does it have to be close to an exact match?  How close before your satisfied?  Pursuing that ideal seems to be the ultimate goal of the audiophile.
The element of your imagination has to come into the equation, or you’ll drive yourself mad.  You have to fill in part of the experience with your mind.
But this explains the phenomenon of “upgraditis.”
Some terrific thoughts.

So am I correct in concluding the answer to the question is more reality.

At the time of its release you might have been completely satisfied with a Model-T, but now it's completely inadequate. 

Time doesn't stand still and neither does development.

I might not want concert levels, but I certainly want to imagine I'm there listing to the concert. I want the least intrusive Fletcher-Munson implementation so I get the full experience at a more comfortable volume.
Just enough that the illusion distracts and the deception is accepted.

Perfection doesn’t really exist, but it’s fun to let oneself immerse into the fantasy that it’s all at ones’ command....

".... She don’t know what it means
But the music make her want to be the story
And the story was whatever was the song what it was..."

Skateaway...that’s all. ;)
....and generally.....Enough.
I'm actually pretty satisfied. But there's a huge caveat. My old house had a remarkable room. Even with the far away better components I have, my current system cannot compete with the sonics of the old room and my old Carver TFM-35.

I have Salk Songtowers with little 5" woofers. With some tracks that room made them sound like 60" subwoofers. Not sure I can convey this so people understand. It's very if the bass response was just a little thin...but the sub bass was kinda amazing. Felt not heard. Presentation was supremely holographic.

It's as if the floor was made of blackest velvet and the speakers were softly gliding the entire room floor with you on it 12' at a time. Immense power.

In this house, in this room...they sound fuller in the bass and mid bass...semi holographic but lack the magic. 

I currently have two dedicated lines here on a 200 amp service.That house had a 1957 100 amp service and I used a shared circuit.

It took me 3 years to find that spot in that room.

Wish I'd realized the 'it's the room dummy' lesson years ago.


Yes. All of it. Every piece of information. And it actually sounds quite good, gloriously good. At least that's what I get with my ATC SCM7 V3 speakers + my Chord Qutest DAC.