Specifications VS Sound Quality

Surely, I am normally aware of some specs like power output, THD and, maybe some other basics.
But by knowing specs of a component do you really have an understanding of what a piece sounds like?
Maybe that is an obvious no. Not being particularly technically oriented, I want to hear it.
I think it’s best to consider technical specs to be an indicator of the quality of the item rather than how it will sound. ****

Personally, I would put the word “technical” in front of “quality”. After all, is not the most relevant indicator of quality how it actually sounds? How close it sounds to actual music? I think there are still some things we don’t understand about electronics and how their specifications relate to the sound of music.  

This is a very important conversation, and the reason it's so important is because there are few, if any "High end salons".

So many different sounds with the same specifications, and even similar high prices; especially speakers.

There are so many things I would like to hear and try, but since I can't audition, I'm forced to stick with the tried and proven, but even that's not guaranteed. With so many wild cards in the deck, you have to read yourself silly before making a decision.
Specs are great for those unsure of their own ears. Do you want the micro biological description of the food you plan to eat? Maybe you do...
I still don’t understand the relationship between specifications and sound. Other then the bottom line that one really is not able to know the quality of a component without actually hearing.

There is a much closer relationship with money and sound than there is with specs and sound.

A mid level solid state amp could have the same specs as a more expensive tube amp, but the more expensive amp would sound much better.

When you get to extremes in specifications, you will also get to extremes in the quality of the audio, as well as the price. (so far, this has been my experience)

If you can audition the equipment, you don't have to know anything about specifications, just go with what ever sounds the best, and google for quality of the product; but if that's not possible it will be necessary for you to learn something about specifications. Now, you have to hear what you read.