In most real world conditions obtaining a world class room is out".Every great sounding system I heard over the past 25 years had this going for them "a decent room"I know in my room over the last 8 years I've tried 4 different amps,5 different speakers,5 preamps,6 cd players,all kinds of wire,all with similar outcomes.yea some sound much better then the other and so on,but it's still ain't right.One of the biggest changes is when I put in treatments.3 days ago I did an experiment .I took out almost all my treatments and tried to listen.My session lasted about 1 hour before I couldn't take it.So I put the treatments back in and it sounded much better.Is it still right, NO..My room stinks..But with treatments and a good room everything else is a lot easier.If anyone disagrees with this you haven't heard a OK system in a great room..