Considering an integrated


I’ve been thinking about downsizing my system but am concerned about SQ. I would like to get an all in one integrated (or receiver). New or (slightly) used, tube or SS. It would need a built in phono section (LOMC) and a headphone amp/ jack. I have a budget of maybe up to $10k  but would consider going higher if need be. I want to part with everything but my speakers (Zu Def 4), TT and CD player. Obviously I don’t need much power. My concern is mainly the phono section. Sound now is glorious with virtually no ticks or pops. Do you think it’s possible to achieve the same (or better) SQ with a built in phono stage?  

Current setup;

Art Audio Carissa (16 wpc)

Art Audio dm- vps

Art Audio Vinyl One

So many good integrateds around up to $10,000. I will suggest the one which I own. It was mentioned several times here. Luxman L-590AXII. It's an endgame amp to me.

The Pass Labs INT-60 or 250 or 25 are said to be excellent as well.

Lejonklou, I have their phono pre and love it.

a lot of info in this thread. Audition, audition, audition.

opinions are rampant here, remember what they are like.

Haven't read this entire thread but here's my two cents:

I agree with millercarbon on this: unless you listen to a lot of FM or AM radio, forget the receiver idea!  Actually, just forget about the receiver idea.

I tend to recommend only components I've had personal experience with and have impressed.  I'm not familiar with Art Audio stuff but you seem to be a devotee.  Perhaps you should see and hear what they might have to offer?

JJSS49 is right, of course.  There are many choices in the 10K range.  Here are several considerably less expensive choices that I've done hours of serious seat-time with and have thoroughly enjoyed:  Simaudio Moon Neo 340 IX; McIntosh MA5300; Luxman (forgot model number); Musical Fidelity M6si.  The Simaudio is kind of a modular approach that increases in price as you build into it what you want.  This one might interest you more than the others.  It has a great power supply; easily more than enough to make your speakers sing!  Haven't heard the Moon 600i V2 or the Moon 700i V2.  However, judging from my experience with the Neo 340 IX, I wouldn't hesitate to put those on the list of contenders.  Haven't heard the McIntosh MA7200, either.  However, this is another one I wouldn't hesitate to put on my list of contenders, perhaps with the upgraded DA2 DAC.  Depending upon what part of the planet you live on, you might want to go out & have a serious listen to the Gryphon Diablo 300 or Diablo 120 if you can find these anywhere close. I haven't heard either one but have done a fair amount of reading about these two.  I'd sure love to have a serious listen!

Generally speaking, dedicated (MC or MM; not both) outboard phono stages tend to outperform circuitry like that built into integrated amps.  However, you might want to explore what the Simaudio and Gryphon Diablos have to offer along these lines.

"Virtually no ticks or pops" in your vinyl?  Interesting!  How have you managed that?  Ultrasonic LP cleaning machine?
A lot of good information here. 
"Virtually no ticks or pops"- yes ultrasonic cleaner. I'm sure my phono amp has a lot to do with it too. 
I want to be clear that I wont make this move without a built in phonostage & headphone amp. And I won't settle for lesser SQ. 
The Luxman L590AXII looks interesting. 

Accuphase 280.  You can add both a phono and and a DAC card.  Also, at the lower end of your budget, Yamaha A-S1200 or 2200.