Tubes for Magnepan’s.

I think next up on my acquisition list is a tube amplifier. I'm not looking for the be all end all, cause I don’t think there is a definitive "Best", so am looking for as good as I can get for $3-4k.

Because tubes drive speakers so much more efficiently than solid state I am only looking for 40-50 watts to drive my modded Maggie’s, 1.7i's. (Or what you have when you add a new crossover and planer tweeters to 1.7i's.) Maybe 2.7x? I haven’t settled on that yet. And I have some Zu Dirty Weekend's upgraded to the max coming in in 2 months to replace my KEF's.

Anyway, I haven’t had a tube device since my Halicrafter short wave radio, and reviews are not the same as advice from people that own something. There is a Rouge Audio dealer in my area, last I looked, (opps, they no longer carry them), so I may have to go to another market to hear something, or get a try before you buy from a manufacturer or dealer.

You folks have taught me a lot, and I think asking users is the right thing to do on this change in direction.

Thanks in advance.
Maggi run much better with quality Solidstate  amps 
why ,because they take a lot of current to drive then 
tube donot have the current on demand that good solid state brings , when you have a speaker going  below 2 ohms that’s 
very demanding tube amps are voltage drive devises
solid state current driven. Ihave a Coda amp which they all have exceptional current capabilities a huge 3000 va transformer 
andover120 amp capability and 3 choices for output wpc .
quality counts.
Look for a used Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP Integrated amp. I run that with my Magnepan 1.7i's and it is truly amazing with KT-150's. Dana
The bast most transparent system I’ve ever heard was Conrad Johnson tube pre amp and tube amplifier with Maggie’ was like being in front center row of a jazzy night club...I have not yet found a system that equals it, closest I’d Sonus Faber Elipse and Arcam or Primare 
I just got a pair of Maggie 3.7i and I’m driving them with audio research reference 250 amps, ref 6 pre and ref 3 sounds incredible some of the best soundstage I’ve heard. Very happy
The first time I heard Maggie’s they were hooked up to Audio Research equipment, 1978. That's when I first fell in love with them.